Best pH for Drinking Water

Best pH for Drinking Water

pH is often a factor that is talked about quite a lot in studies done on the effects of acidic/basic food/beverages. We often think about pH in chemistry terms, but we don’t think about how pH is a component of everything that we eat or drink. Chemicals, substances, food, beverages, etc. all have their own pH. In this way, what we eat/drink can affect our own blood pH within our body. That includes the type of water we consume. So, what’s the verdict? What pH is best when it comes to our water?



Ideal pH for Drinking Water

 The ideal pH is one that is often discussed and debated, and the truth is that there is no right or concrete answer. There are studies that can help suggest one type of water over the other, but nothing is really concrete or definite in terms of what type of water offers the best hydration. Nonetheless there are clues that may point us towards the right direction. One thing that’s for sure is that water should never be below a pH of 6.5. That is too acidic and can be related to causing high acidity within the body which can lead to acidosis. Acidosis can cause horrible health problems such as headaches, fatigue, rapid heart rate, and a shortness of breath. For that reason, it is never advised to drink anything below 6.5. Furthermore, water that has too much acidity has often been linked to not being filtered properly and may still contain pollutants, pesticides, chemicals, etc. 

Most types of drinking water fall between a range of 7 to 8.5. This makes them either neutral or slightly alkaline. Most of your bottled waters, tap water, and filtered water has this pH. A pH of 7 to 8.5 is considered to be common and is not associated with any adverse health effects. So, if your water falls between this pH, then you should be fine. Unlike a pH below 6.5, falling between a 7 to 8.5 will ensure that your body stays properly hydrated while not becoming too imbalanced in pH. 


 Other types of water can fall between 8.5 to 9.5. This is known as alkaline or ionized water and often refers to water that has been purposely ionized to produce a higher pH level. Like water that falls between a 7 to 8.5, ionized water is also not considered to be related to adverse health effects either. In fact, there is a long debate that is considering whether alkaline water may provide more health benefits than regular water, but more studies definitely need to be done to further confirm this. Yet, at present, numerous studies have linked alkaline water to improved blood viscosity, decreased risk of acid reflux, and a higher electrolyte and mineral content for the body. Additionally, electrolyte water is known to go through an extensive filtration process that makes it extremely purified in comparison to other types of water such as tap, and it is known to taste better than those types of water. For that reason, some may say that alkaline water may provide the ideal pH for the body. As more studies are done, only time will tell if that is the case, but for now, current studies are promising on what a slightly higher pH in your water can do for you!