Drinking Water pH Explained: What Should Be the Ideal pH?

Drinking Water pH Explained: What Should Be the Ideal pH?

       When it comes to drinking water, not much emphasis and importance is placed on pH. pH is a very important measure within the body that people should be mindful of. Our bodies have pH levels that are affected by the types of foods and drinks that we eat. When those pH levels are too imbalanced, meaning that they are either too acidic or too alkaline, then we can experience major health issues that can translate to diseases like cancer or cardiovascular diseases as well as other problems related to digestion, the immune system, etc. To combat this, we must focus on a diet that balances acidity and alkalinity within the body. Yet, this is difficult considering that the average diet for most people fall into the category of acidic. Sugar, dairy products, red meat, canned foods, processed foods, high protein foods/supplements, sodas, etc. are all categorized as acidic foods. Unfortunately, with the busy lifestyle of many and the vast options of fast food and convenient, readymade meals from the stores, most people don’t realize that all the processed, convenient foods they are consuming fall into the category of acidic. Additionally, people tend to avoid or consume low amounts of foods that are good for the body such as leafy green, legumes, nuts, etc. These are known to be alkaline by nature. For that reason, most people are eating diets that are highly acidic and can lead to serious problems in the future. This is why the type of water you choose to drink becomes so important for your health!


The Ideal pH of Water 

 As shown in the pH scale above, acidic foods fall into a pH range of 1-6 while alkaline foods, fall into a pH range of 8-14. 7 is considered to be neutral. The pH scale shows that water pH levels that fall into the acidic range increase your likelihood of disease, while a pH level that leans more towards alkaline increases the likelihood of a healthier you. Certain brands of water can fall into a slightly acidic pH such as Aquafina and Dasani with pH levels at around 5.5 – 6.5. This is not good for those who already consume highly acidic foods in their diet as the water can only exacerbate the problem further. For that reason, it makes more sense that people consume water that is more alkaline so that they can work to balance out the high acidity that they get from their diet. Furthermore, alkaline water works better than regular water because regular water is a neutral pH that does not help balance acidity. Therefore, for most people who are not eating foods that are naturally alkaline, the ideal pH of their water should be around 9.0 – 9.5+. Just be sure that when drinking alkaline water, you drink enough throughout the day but not too much. Try to incorporate consumption of both alkaline and regular water, so that you don’t throw your pH level to become too alkaline either!


A Great Alkaline Water Option

 So you now understand how important alkaline water may be for you, but you don’t know where to get the best alkaline water. One great brand of alkaline water that constantly delivers is Perfect Hydration. Perfect Hydration is an established alkaline water brand that is purified for an ultra crisp and refreshing taste while providing electrolytes and a perfect pH of 9.5+ in every bottle. The cans and bottles are also completely recyclable and BPA free. When you choose to incorporate alkaline water consumption, you can help your health further!