Why Choose Alkaline Drinking Water?

Why Choose Alkaline Drinking Water?

With so many different kinds of water out there, it can be hard to distinguish the best type. As people are starting to become aware of the foods and drinks that they consume and are starting to realize the importance of questioning the things they consume, myriads of products have come out to try and compete in the sector of health benefits. Gone are the days where people just drink any random water from the tap or grab whatever water bottle, they can find at the store. More and more people are starting to realize that just like choosing the right foods to consume, it is equally important to choose the right water to consume! That is where alkaline water comes in.



Alkaline Water’s Main Benefit

    The main proponent of alkaline water is that it can help balance the body’s pH levels. The typical American diet often consists of high processed foods, sugar, dairy, caffeine, etc. These are all food groups that are high in acidity and can over time lead to extra acidity within the body. This can lead to bloating, acid reflux, and over time may also be linked to the increased risk of certain kinds of cancer. The creation of alkaline water is to essentially balance out the high acidity of our body and return it to a more balanced pH level which as a result can improve energy levels, reduce acid reflux, nausea, headaches, and all other symptoms that can be related to high acidity within the body.

Other Benefits of Alkaline Water



Helps to Reduce Acid Reflux and Increase Absorption of Nutrients

     There are certainly a variety of other benefits that you can expect from alkaline water besides the pH balancing benefit. As stated before, alkaline water helps with acid reflux reduction and it may actually be more helpful than GERD medications in the long run. This may be due to the fact that while GERD medication is certainly effective, one downside of it is that it can hinder the body’s ability to absorb key nutrients. Drinking alkaline water consistently can over time help with balancing acid reflux while also not reducing your body’s ability to absorb important nutrients. 


Increases Energy Levels Faster than Regular Water

    Many people have reported that alkaline water helps to improve energy levels faster than regular water. Of course, low energy levels are often associated with dehydration. Water can help improve energy levels that are lowered due to dehydration, but alkaline water can take it a step further. While water provides hydration, alkaline water also provides electrolytes to the body. Most alkaline water brands are full of electrolytes that help to increase your energy and hydrate you faster and more efficiently than regular water. It is also a great option for those who are extremely physically active because you lose electrolytes fast when you sweat. Alkaline water can replenish the key electrolytes in the body, but without the extra sugar and artificial sweeteners that often come with sports drinks that have electrolytes. This makes it a great alternative!


Improves the Skin Through Better Blood Circulation

     We all know that healthy skin starts with hydrating the body. Drinking the right amount of water can lead to healthier, glowing skin that doesn’t look dry or dull. Yet, water does not compensate for damage to the skin barrier due to high acidity within the body. To address skin concerns related to high acidity you need to focus on balancing the skin’s pH once again. This includes not only drinking water, but balancing your gut, microbiome, and improving your blood circulation. Blood circulation helps to effectively repair the skin barrier and keep it from getting inflamed and dry. Studies on alkaline water have shown that blood circulation improves with regular consumption of alkaline water when compared to regular water consumption. This ensures that your skin has a chance to keep its barrier protected and hydrated from high acidity within the body.